Friday, April 3, 2009

Waiting for Spring....

Here I am just getting started on the new blogging adventure and generally flexing my internet chops such as they are - very much a strange new world for a woman whose perference is to spend her days rummaging out doors to see what the wild world is up to...

Its mucky here and likely to remain so for quite a while yet. I have my wellies by the back door and don't go far without them.
The wildlife is very much on the move. They are sure it is spring and are acting accordingly. There is much fox barking and coyote yipping at night and they are confidently circling the house at all hours. A raccoon lives nearby and enjoys trotting down the front path and setting off the security light - very much "on with the show". The Canada Geese and many other birds are arriving and the bird feeding platform is a frenzy of peaking order chaos. This reminds me - must get more seed as I have run out and feathered friends are counting on me.

My days are getting busier as I prepare for the coming growing season. Am attending my first Trade Show ever as a new business person - exciting stuff. The PEI Garden Show 2009 in Crapaud. Have great plans for my booth decor - all foraged & recycled materials with lots of texture and depth of colour. Hopefully it will stand out well and be a great addition to the show. Will also be a guest speaker - talking about harvesting & using wild plants for arrangements on PEI.

More news tomorrow - the launch of the new "From Our Atlantic Woods Directory"
Stay tuned

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on launching your blog! It looks great and you are keeping to a great posting schedule. I finally have some free time to read, so here I am!

    Wow, it sounds as though you have a lot of wildlife at your place! We live in the "country" (as I like to say), but we don't get any of those larger animals (raccoons, coyotes, and fox) far as I am aware, anyway! We are just surrounded by birds, birds, and more glorious birds right now.

    Very good idea to have your wellies propped by the door. Mud is everywhere these days!
