Monday, April 20, 2009

The Garden Show

Been super busy the past while getting myself organised for the PEI Garden Show. Lots to do to be ready for my very first trade show. The sewing machine has been whirring away and the laptop churning out labels, signs and tags. Made a banner and bunting from recycled sheets.

I was quite pleased with the end result and the effort paid off for sure - I won an Award!

Best Use of Space - got a plaque and had my photo taken with the judges and everything. An added and practical bonus to the award is it comes with a $100 fee reduction for next year's show. All good grist for the mill.

Spoke with very many people. Lots took garden maintenance service postcards and hopefully there will be some follow through. Also lots of interest in workshops from various groups so I'll be teaching foraging ways down the road.

People seemed to like the new Island potpourri blends - so I'll do some test marketing with craft shops both on and off the Island and see how the response goes with them.

Spring Branch bouquets were slow to move the first day but pretty steady sales the second day - after I dropped the price.

I was one of the guest speakers for the show aswell - all about foraging naturally. Initially, I was seriously thrown by wearing head gear microphone set-up but got over that after a few minutes and settled into the foraging gospel. People seemed interested and the demographic for the audience was interesting - at least half were under 25 - unusual for an event like the garden show.

Start gardening for clients tomorrow - good to get that underway. I have been chomping at the bit for some weeks now.

Nature Side Note: Eagles are back at the impressive nest just down the road from me. Interesting dynamic in play as there seem to be three eagles at the nest. I'm not sure how that works really. Things could get messy......


  1. Thanks for the pics of the booth, and more updates on Stinky the Fox!
    Suddenly it's spring here in Halifax -d'oh, I hate having to take off my tights. Hope it's spring for you in PEI!
